Friday, March 15, 2013

gold fish aquarium cleaning care

How to keep your gold fish healthy and active. the main thing people i hear when meet into aquarium shop they all have one question how to keep gold fish in good health. you need to take care of water first gold fish needs clean and fresh water. water condition is important to stay fit your gold fish. change at least 1 container/doll of water every week. first you need to emply old water of same quantity which one you add use gravel cleaner to also cleaning the fishwaste at the bottom of aquarium. fill the water two days before you want to change and keep them into same room where your aquarium is. so it can set the temperature of room and aquarium. then add the water cleaning medicine 10 drops into water. leave it 10 minutes to mix it up well and remove the upper level one glass of water from the container. 25% of water change is good. every week. generally people are change this water monthly basis and once in a 15 days but little water change of every week keeps your fish healthy. and it can also be clean your aquarium. while you are clean your aquarium water also clean glass from magnetic glass cleaner, clean the water cleaning pump, and then add the water into aquarium. 

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