Thursday, June 19, 2014

how large an aquarium should one buy

How large an aquarium should one buy?

Size of the aquarium should be determined keeping some of these points in mind:

(a) What kind of space is available to keep the aquarium
(b) A sturdy stand to install the aquarium
(c) How much money would one like to spend.
(d) How much time and effort can one put in its maintainance.

When you have an idea of the above factors, it will be easy for you to decide the size of the aquarium.

Source: gujarat ornamental fish expo 2014 booklet.

how much gravel required for an aquarium

How much Gravel is required for an aquarium?

About 5 kg. of sand per every sq.ft. of area is enough. The sand should be spread 1 slope helps dead and rotten plant leaves and other debris on the sand to roll down to the front, making it easy to siphon off the same.

source: gujarat ornamental fish expo 2014 brochure

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

method of de chlorinating the water

Is there any method of de-clorinating the water?

Chlorine can be removed by keeping the water in an open bucket or container for 48 hours stirring occasionally. Also there are chlorine removing solution at pet shops.

Source: gujarat ornamental fish expo 2014 booklet.

which fishes recommended for beginner

Which are the fishes, that are recommended for a beginner?

Most commonly available tropical fishes are easy to keep and do not require a great deal of attention, Some of the most commonly available fishes are:

GUPPY: Lebistes reticulates

Guppy is a very colourful lively and very easy to breed. it is a native of Venezuela, Trinidad and Guiana. If properly fed the female can grow upto two and half inches while male grow upto one and half inches in length Male is always coloured and very attractive while the female is pale in colour. Breeding period is 28 to 30 days depends upon the temperature.

Molly: Mollenisia latipinna

Very peaceful and agile by nature and is a perfect fish to be kept in a community aquarium. Food is an important factor Molly though it eats live food, vegetative fibrous food is nuch relished andisalso a must, in a properly maintained aquarium. Molly can grow upto four inches in length.

SWORD TAIL: Xiphophrous hellerii

It is available in different attractive colours and hence liked by many hobbyist. The colour of the fish being in contrast to molly looks attractive in the aquarium. it has very sleek sword like tail. This fish prefers all kinds of food, basically it is very docile and playful by nature. if frightened it has a tendency to jump out of the tank hence the tank should be covered on top. This fish gives birth to young ones and usually grows upto five inches in length when properly fed.

PLATY: Xiphophorus variatus

Very popular and easily available fish. it is available in red, black, golden, orange, and in variety of other colours. In span of four weeks it gives birth to about fifty young ones. Male is one and half inch while female is two inches in length. The above mentioned fishes all are live bearers and hence need lot of vegetation at all the time of breeding.

SIAMESE FIGHTER: Betta splendens

This fish is a native of Siam. Male fish has long attractively coloured tail and dorsal fin. A pair of this fish builds bubble nest. Blue and red are the two colours in which these fishes are available but apart from this they are also available in various shades. They grow upto two and a half inches. Very peaceful, though it is not advisable to keep two males in a single aquarium.

ANGLE: Pterophyllum scalare

No aquarium can be said to be complete without Angle. it is a very popular fish, very calm and peaceful by nature. It swims majestically.

TIGER BARB: Barbus tetrazona

Very peaceful and quiet when small but becomes mischevious and develops a tendency of nipping of other fishes when they grow in size. Very attractive and suits well in a community aquarium. it prefers all kinds of food.

WIDOW TETRA: Gymnocorymbus ternetzi

Very agile, playful and attractive fish suitable for keeping in a community tank, It prefers all kinds of food. A native of Paraguary, it has a prominent adipose fin.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

diseases of fishes and remedy for the cure

What are the common diseases of fishes? and what is the remedy for the cure?

Dropsy: Protrusion of seales in aswollen body is the manifestation or fish dropsy, a condition arising due to bacteria.
Treatment: There is no real cure for this disease.

White Sport: it is caused by a parasite giving rise to pinched sized white spot over the body and fins.
Treatment: A teaspoon full of salt (rock salt) to every gallon of water and the fish kept therein after two days replace the old salt water with fresh water of the same strength. Repeat every two days until the white masses disappear. The temperature while this treatment should be raised and kept constant to 80 Degree F (27 Degree C) for several days.

Add 5% aqueous solution and Methyl blue per gallon of water Increase temperature to 85 Degree F(29 Degree C).

ICH: It is caused due to unhygienic condition in aquarium.
Diagnosis: The fishes, dart about the tank suffering from some irritation, they rub their body against the gravel, plants, This may also be due to surface parasite or organisms present in the ill maintained tank.
ICH Remedy: Potassium permanganate can be used ti cure this 1/8 gram per gallon of water.

Mouth Fungus: This diseases is caused by a bacteria and is contagious.
Diagnosis: This diseases is characterized by a fungus like growth resembling white cotton (wool) at the cheeks, lipsahd the mouth of the fish, eventually it starts to crode the jaws away.
Remedy: Swabbing the mouth (effected parts) with Hydrogen peroxide or chloromycetin. Terramycin will cure the infection.

VELVET: This disease may resemble to white spot. The skin looks like a surface which has been dusted with powdered surface or with a talcum powdered of a dark shade. The dust is of pale yellow colour and may be more over the skin surface.
Remedy: 1% solution of Methylene blue has been found effective against this disease.

SHIMMIES: it is not a disease; but an indication that the water is infected with protozon parasites.
Diagnosis: The fish is usually stay in astatic position waving their body from side to side in a slow constant motion.
Diagnosis: Ths fish is usually stay in astatic position waving their body from side to side in a slow constant motion.
Treatment: A bath of common salt (sea salt) 2 % solution for 15 to 30 minutes will kill the parasite, The bath should be repeated after 2-3 days.

FIN ROT AND TAIL ROT: This disease is caused due to bacterial infection.

Symptoms: Destruction of the tail or other fins, the tail becomes torn and gradually eaten away by the activity of the bacteria.

Treatment: Aureomycin, Chloromycetin can be used for curing Fishes for treatment should be isolated in a separate tank having 6 to 7 inches of water with gentle aeration and must be fed on live food only.

Source: Gujarat ornamental fish expo 2014 brochure.

requirements for setting up an aquarium

Requirements for setting up an "AQUARIUM"

Aquarium Setup Checklist!

Necessary Items:
  • Aquarium
  • Top Glass
  • Light and shade
  • Sand
  • Plants
  • Food-dry
  • Aquarium Fish Net
  • Stand
  • Siphon tube
  • Vibrator pump
  • Diffuser stone
  • Plastic tube "T"
Optional Items:
  • Heater
  • Thermostat
  • Rocks
  • Bog wood
  • Power filter
  • Back drop (Background Wallpaper)
  • pH paper
  • Magnetic scrapper 
  • Medicines
  • Under gravel filter
  • Controller
There are lots of accessories, are available to keep your fish aquarium clean and beautiful know your requirement first and then buy the accessories for your aquarium.

Source: Gujarat ornamental fish expo 2014 brochure.

what are the signs of healthy fish

What are the Signs of Healthy fish?

Bright eyes, radiant colours and crect fins indicates good health, jerky and imbalanced movement and rotten or broken fins are signs of sickness in fish.

Daily watch your aquarium fish at least 10 minutes in a day. also check they are in good health their movement etc.

Source: Gujarat ornamental fish expo 2014 brochure.

what is the remedy if the water turns green

What is the Remedy if the water turns green ?

Green water is caused by excessive algae growth. it lessens the visibility. if there is more nourishment and light than required by plants then the water becomes green due to excessive algae growth in aquarium, in this case the light should be reduced and number of aquatic plants should be increased.

Source: Gujarat ornamental fish expo 2014 brochure.

how many fishes can be kept in an aquarium

How many Fishes can be kept in an aquarium? See the below Calculation!

Fish Over crowding must be avoided. The number of fish depends on the size of the aquarium and the size of the fish too. The following will give a rough idea.

Know how much space required one fish in aquarium keep the fish accordingly, it can make fish happy and make their life longer and give them enough space.

Surface are  3x2+ 6x + 3


Divided by             2
"X stands for size of a fish
e.g. 24" x 12" x 12" Surface area 24" x 12" = 288"
length of fish is 2 inches i.e. x = 2

3(2)2+6(2)+3 =  27
___________   ___
            2                 2

288 divided by =  27  i.e. 288 x = x = 2  =  576  = 20 to 21 fishes
                         ___                       ___    ___                         
                           2                         27      27   

source: gujarat ornamental fish expo 2014 brochure. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

aquarium fish care and tips

Aquarium Fish Care and Tips:

  • Do not over crowd the aquarium.
  • Feed the fishes at one specific time.
  • Do not lift-move the aquarium when filled with water.
  • Do not tap the glass.
  • Switch on the room light first and then aquarium light and switch off the aquarium light first and then room light.
  • Don't spray and insecticide near the aquarium.
  • Give plenty of live food and vary the diet.
  • Sufficient light is required while feeding the fish, most fish do not feed in dark.
  • When fishes are constantly gasping at the water surface, noxious gases may be present, increase, aeration, decrease the number of fishes, provide more oxygenating plant and change 25% to 30% of water.
  • Do not over feed the fishes.
  • Surplus and uneaten food should always be removed or otherwise decomposition sets in.
  • Do not overfeed the fishes.
  • Do not expose fish to sudden glare.
  • Ensure that there are ample number of plants with healthy growth and sufficient light.
  • Moderately green water is healthy for fish but change the water if it turns cloudly or yellow.
  • Remove excess bottom sediments.
  • Remove the dead fish, dead leaves and snails.
  • Never use table salt but use sea all when required.
  • Never handle fish with dry hands, use a net or a wet cloth.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

free fish aquarium wallpaper

Free Fish Aquarium Wallper - set as your desktop background and get calm, to see the beautiful fishes swim into the water.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

types of goldfish for aquarium

Different types of Goldfish for Fish Aquarium, Look and Choose Goldfish for your House, or Office Aquariums Beautification.