Wednesday, June 18, 2014

which fishes recommended for beginner

Which are the fishes, that are recommended for a beginner?

Most commonly available tropical fishes are easy to keep and do not require a great deal of attention, Some of the most commonly available fishes are:

GUPPY: Lebistes reticulates

Guppy is a very colourful lively and very easy to breed. it is a native of Venezuela, Trinidad and Guiana. If properly fed the female can grow upto two and half inches while male grow upto one and half inches in length Male is always coloured and very attractive while the female is pale in colour. Breeding period is 28 to 30 days depends upon the temperature.

Molly: Mollenisia latipinna

Very peaceful and agile by nature and is a perfect fish to be kept in a community aquarium. Food is an important factor Molly though it eats live food, vegetative fibrous food is nuch relished andisalso a must, in a properly maintained aquarium. Molly can grow upto four inches in length.

SWORD TAIL: Xiphophrous hellerii

It is available in different attractive colours and hence liked by many hobbyist. The colour of the fish being in contrast to molly looks attractive in the aquarium. it has very sleek sword like tail. This fish prefers all kinds of food, basically it is very docile and playful by nature. if frightened it has a tendency to jump out of the tank hence the tank should be covered on top. This fish gives birth to young ones and usually grows upto five inches in length when properly fed.

PLATY: Xiphophorus variatus

Very popular and easily available fish. it is available in red, black, golden, orange, and in variety of other colours. In span of four weeks it gives birth to about fifty young ones. Male is one and half inch while female is two inches in length. The above mentioned fishes all are live bearers and hence need lot of vegetation at all the time of breeding.

SIAMESE FIGHTER: Betta splendens

This fish is a native of Siam. Male fish has long attractively coloured tail and dorsal fin. A pair of this fish builds bubble nest. Blue and red are the two colours in which these fishes are available but apart from this they are also available in various shades. They grow upto two and a half inches. Very peaceful, though it is not advisable to keep two males in a single aquarium.

ANGLE: Pterophyllum scalare

No aquarium can be said to be complete without Angle. it is a very popular fish, very calm and peaceful by nature. It swims majestically.

TIGER BARB: Barbus tetrazona

Very peaceful and quiet when small but becomes mischevious and develops a tendency of nipping of other fishes when they grow in size. Very attractive and suits well in a community aquarium. it prefers all kinds of food.

WIDOW TETRA: Gymnocorymbus ternetzi

Very agile, playful and attractive fish suitable for keeping in a community tank, It prefers all kinds of food. A native of Paraguary, it has a prominent adipose fin.

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